【Good Read】The Art of the Good Life / Rolf Dobelli

【Good Read】The Art of the Good Life / Rolf Dobelli
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Have you ever⋯⋯
– spent a lot of time on powerpoint presentation?
– forgot how to make yourself happy?
– can’t find your long-term goal?

These questions gave me a nudge to buy this book. There’re 52 Mental Tools written in each chapter, to learn how to live a Good Life. Below are some which sang to me. I know, as always, better said than done. But at least it’s a good reminder, to me.

  1. How to interpret an event depends on how you think. But it’s better to be positive.
  2. You’ll only remember the climax and ending of a holiday, in-between details are not that important.
  3. If you bought something little expensive or cheap, it didn’t bother you so much actually. Don’t spend time on something which waste your energy.
  4. Plans are nothing. Planning is everything. Good Life is not a stable status, it changes and requires constant adjustment.
  5. Keep making new decisions consumes much energy. If you’ve made up your mind, no matter how other factors are changing, don’t change your decision.
  6. You don’t have to do something to proof you’re having a good life. Eliminate all negative factors in your life, a Good Life will come.
  7. Everyone has emotion, but don’t take it too seriously, because there is blind spot towards our own emotion.
  8. Don’t let emotion leads your life.
  9. If someone treats you nicely, you’ll feel you have to pay back one day. So try to say NO. If you say No in 90%, you’ll realise you haven’t missed anything so important.
  10. When you think of something or someone day in and day out, this thing or he/she is not that important than you think.
  11. Try to see life in a wide lens.
  12. Buy less, experience more.
  13. If your job occupied your mind, or requires you to spend lots of time in it, congratulation, if you love this job. But if you don’t and hate it, I think it’s a big problem there.
  14. Wealth is relative, not absolute.
  15. Find out what fascinate you, it will lead your life.
  16. The more peaceful the life, the more efficient.
  17. Do what you can do, not what you want to do.
  18. You can only change yourself. Try to avoid a situation that you have to change others.
  19. Those who has a goal is easier to reach a goal.
  20. Enjoy and live at the moment. Don’t worry about the future experience, as you’ll forget most of them.
  21. Don’t self-depreciate, as it is absolutely meaningless.
  22. Accept life is not perfect.
  23. Every experience has two sides – enjoyable and meaningful. A Good Life is to find the balance between them.
  24. Stick to your circle of dignity, but don’t let too many fragmented beliefs disturb it, otherwise the power will be scattered.
  25. Lying on bed and worrying won’t help you to accomplish anything.
  26. Decide what can you influence, and what you cannot. Why to worry those you can’t change?
  27. Put all your worries on a paper. Write it down everyday, until it annoys you.
  28. Sometimes, concentrate is better than meditate. While you’re meditate, you don’t have worries. But after that, worries come back. Concentrate to work on one thing can distribute your focus, he result maybe even better.
  29. We often make these 3 mistakes – 1) Comment on a topic we don’t have interest. 2) Comment on a question which has no answer. 3) Too rush to put comment and it complicates the problem. Please remember, it’s okay to be no comment.
  30. All you obtain, believe and love are impermanent.
  31. Jealousy sadden people. And social media can make people easily feel jealous, because people tend to share something “good”, but hide the sad side. Remember, the people or thing you’re jealous at, is not that important than you think.
  32. Before we solve the problem, try to avoid them. Einstein: ‘ A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.’
  33. The world is unfair. War, hunger, crime, happen everyday. We have empathy, hope we can do something, but actually what we can change is not that much.
  34. All new products and voice, they need audience. But please don’t mix up ‘news’ and ‘related news’. Many ‘news’ are irrelevant, especially bottomless free news.
  35. Instead of thinking something you not yet own, let’s think of those you’ll gonna miss if you lose them.
  36. Picasso: ‘ To know what you want to draw, you must begin to draw.’
  37. If your colleagues tend to work long hours, you’ll too incline to work longer, while forgetting efficiency.
  38. The world is much wider and bigger than we thought. While you’re still young, go to see the world!
  39. Please, draw a line between ‘needs’, ‘wants’ and ‘expectation’. The less you expect, the more happy you’ll be.
  40. Actually, 90% of the products/comments are bullshits, rubbish and useless, but the world is filled with these. They exist, but doesn’t mean you have to deal with them. Just focus on achieving your goals.
  41. ‘Success’, is peace of mind. You work hard on something, and you know you’ve tried your best, the result is the satisfaction.

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