Roasted Honey Almond, a Too Easy Healthy Snack

Roasted Honey Almond, a Too Easy Healthy Snack
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How do you snack? Crisps? Chocolates? Biscuits? Or all of them? For me, it’s roasted honey almond (but I LOVE crisps also!). This healthy snack is super easy to make. I can make (and eat) this honey almond over and over again!

Wonderful Super Easy 3 Steps

Today, I found a bag of expired almonds hiding in my cupboard……If I just roast it, um…..not so tempting. But if you add a sugary coating to it, and it’s crunchy enough, then it’s a different thing!

So I looked up to some recipes, wow! so easy to make!

  1. Roast the almonds.
  2. Cook some honey water, together with the almond.
  3. Coating with sugar, salt and any spice you like, and it’s done!

Problem shoot: Too Sticky?

However, I’ve encountered a problem.

It’s super sticky even I did the sugar coating (probably not enough sugar). ‘OMG! I’m dead!’

But don’t freak out!

Throw them in the fridge, let cool, after that you can easily break them apart and you’re the hero again!!! Just MAKE SURE that the almonds have absorbed all the honey water, meaning no liquid bounding them. Otherwise, even if you chill them in a fridge, they will be still stick as chunks.

Warning: It’s Highly Addictive!

This honey almond is like potato chips to me, just can’t stop eating it!

It’s not so sweet, not oily and very crunchy, I couldn’t help myself stay away from it. 😉 Well, it’s so much healthier than potato chips though, why not let myself indulge in it?

Roasted honey almond as a healthy snack.


  • 100 g almond
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp water
  • a little odourless oil
  • sugar & salt
  • cinnamon powder(optional)

How to Make Roasted Honey Almond 【Healthy Snack】

  1. Roast: Roast almonds in an 180ºC oven for about 10 mins, then let it cool.
  2. Boil liquid: In a small pan, heat little oil, honey and water, mix well and bring to simmer.
  3. Combine: Put in the roasted almonds to the liquid, stir well, until almonds absorb the honey water, move to a big bowl.
  4. Coating: Sprinkle enough sugar(and little salt, cinnamon powder if using) to evenly coat the almonds. Let it cool separately, for example put on a tray again.
  5. Note: If they stick together(very likely to happen!), put the sticky almonds into the fridge, after they are chilled enough, they’ll be easily separated apart. Store it in airtight container.

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