Visit Dentist in Germany

Visit Dentist in Germany
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(Chinese below, English is translated by google)

Many people may be like me, afraid of going to the dentist. Even if it’s just a normal inspection, my heart becomes inexplicably nervous, and different scenarios are preset in my mind, such as:

“Oh, you have cavities, you need fillings!”

“Hey, you have a lot of tartar on your teeth, have you brushed and flossed properly?”

“Sadly, I think you need surgery!”

“Actually, your teeth are really crooked, and orthodontics is the only way out.”

Sometimes, the condition of your teeth may not be very bad, but being misunderstood by the dentist and being slandered by the dentist makes you feel that going to the dentist is just paying for it.

I hated going to the dentist as a child. When I was in elementary school, I had dental care once a year. The whole class went to check their teeth together and learn how to brush their teeth correctly. Nine times out of ten, I was the last person to crawl out of the dentist’s clutches. I’m also to blame, because I didn’t brush my teeth properly! I tried closing the toilet door and turning on the faucet to make the sound of running water pretend to be brushing my teeth. Result? Tooth decay of course!

The teeth are naturally irregular. If you do not brush your teeth well and use dental floss to clean the gaps between the teeth, bacteria and calculus will accumulate, which will inflame the gums. When you brush your teeth, you will often bleed your teeth. Even eating an apple will cause your teeth to bleed! This is how periodontal disease comes about. If you leave it alone, the gums will shrink, the teeth will not stand firmly, and you will lose your teeth when you get old.

I understand all these reasons, but I am afraid of going to the dentist. I always procrastinate and procrastinate, and my teeth bleed every day, and one day I say to myself: “How long will it be delayed? Anyway, the insurance premium has been paid, so I don’t want to go to the dentist.” The dentist is your loss!” Paying money but not getting the service turned out to be the biggest motivation to go to the dentist, ha!

The dental clinic I visited in Dusseldorf, Germany, is a dental clinic for Chinese people. The dentist can speak Chinese, and the front desk can speak Cantonese! Immediately feel a little more relaxed, at least what you hear is familiar language.

When you are lying on the operating bed and ready to be mermaid, I am still trembling, looking at those metal hook-shaped instruments, and hearing the instruments go back and forth between the teeth, “zi….zi….zi….”, Nerves are compressed and cannot relax throughout the process.

Before treating me, the dentist told me: “I’m going to have my teeth pulled tomorrow!” “Why?” Holding an anesthesia gun, he said to me: “I will anesthetize your entire mouth first, and it will hurt a little when the anesthesia is administered!” Then he gave me a doll in the shape of a tooth. I said, “What is this?” “Pinch it if you feel pain!” OMG! “How many injections do you need” (she counted) “3 here, 3 there… 12 in total!” OMG x2 Then she injected 13 injections in my mouth. Yes, I am counting. In fact, it doesn’t hurt very much, it’s a bit like getting a vaccination.

The dentist said that this time it is necessary to open up the part of the gum covering the foot of the tooth for a deep cleaning to remove all the tartar, so that the gum can recover and no longer be inflamed, and there will be no bleeding! Open the gums, sounds scary, doesn’t it? So get anesthetized! But why did I still feel a little bit after the anesthesia, just felt sour, it should be that some nerves have not slept yet. After the “deep cleansing”, the mouth was full of blood, but because of the anesthesia, I couldn’t control the muscles in my mouth, and I couldn’t even rinse my mouth. But after 4 hours, it was another hero.

Now you are watching and fantasizing about going to the dentist, isn’t it scary? But I would say that actually going to the dentist and getting the treatment that the dentist gives you is not as bad as you think. The most disturbing thing is never to experience it yourself, but you create a lot of horrible images and feelings in your mind.

If you see a lot of dentists, you will not be so afraid and fearful, because you probably know what it is like. Perhaps in life, there are many things that are the same. It is difficult and scary in imagination, but it is actually much easier to face!












牙醫給我治療前還跟我說:「我明天也要去拔牙呀!」「為什麼?」「去拔智慧齒呀。一次過拔三顆!所以我很了解病人在想什麼。」她一手拿著麻醉槍,跟我說:「我先會把你全口麻醉,打麻醉藥時會有點痛啊!」然後給我拿著一個牙齒形狀的公仔。我說:「這是什麼?」「你覺得痛就捏著它呀!」OMG!「你要打多少次麻醉藥」(她算了一下)「這邊3次、那邊3次⋯⋯總共12次!」OMG x2 然後她在我口中打了13次麻醉藥。是的,我有在數算著。其實沒有很痛啦,有點像打疫苗針的感覺而已。




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