Smoked Salmon Spinach Spaghetti with Cashew Cream

Smoked Salmon Spinach Spaghetti with Cashew Cream
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Not sure where does this smoked salmon and spinach spaghetti come from but I absolutely LOVE it! Sauce is easy to make too! All done in 30 mins.

I like smoked salmon. Not only the smoky and mouthful flavour, but also the lovely colour, and it’s ready-to-eat. But due to its high sodium, I don’t eat it often, just occasionally to make a gorgeous looking (and taste) pasta.

Freshly Homemade Spinach Sauce

There are usually three types of spaghetti sauce: red (tomato), white (cream) and oil sauce (mainly oil and garlic). I think there should be a fourth type – green sauce.

This spinach sauce is a mixture of pesto and white sauce. I used cashew butter instead of dairy cream for a creaminess. Compared with the crème fraîche version, this recipe is not short of anything.

Spinach sauce is easy to make – sautéed onion and garlic until fragrant, then add spinach till wilted, follow by blending it with cashew butter into paste. I added onions for sweetness, and mushrooms for umami. Both of which are indispensable!

Making of spinach sauce.

With the help of a chopper or blender, many vegetarian dishes can be made easily.

Cook pasta → cut and cook veggies → blend veggies → mix pasta with sauce → topping with smoked salmon → done!

A Few Cooking Notes

  • Smoked salmon: It’s salty enough, you may want to use less salt to the whole dish.
  • Spinach: I used 200 g spinach in this recipe, and it covered the whole pan when cooking. Use more spinach If you want more sauce.
  • Onion: I’ve seen other similar recipes don’t use onion at all. But myself is an onion fan, and I think onion offers more sweetness to the pasta.
Smoked salmon and spinach spaghetti.

Smoked Salmon Spinach Spaghetti with Cashew Cream Recipe

A restaurant-like pasta dish that you can make easily at home in 30 minutes!


Serves 2

  • 160 g spaghetti
  • 200 g baby spinach
  • 100 g smoked salmon
  • 2 big mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • pasta cooking water (c.a. 1/3 cup)
  • 1 tbsp cashew cream
  • Parmesan cheese
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper

How to Make

  1. Bring a pot of salted water to boil and cook the pasta.
  2. Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan, fry onion and garlic with low heat until fragrant. Add the mushrooms and a pinch of salt, cook until softened and set aside.
  3. Then add the spinach and cover to wilt. Then transfer to a blender with cashew cream added, blitz into paste-like and return to the pan. Add some pasta cooking water to loosen up the sauce if needed. Taste for seasoning as well.
  4. Stir in the cooked pasta into the pan, mix well with the spinach sauce. Again a taste test is recommended here.
  5. Turn off the heat. Tear some smoked salmon and add into the pasta. Freshly ground black pepper and grate Parmesan cheese on top, and garnish with the remaining smoked salmon. Give a good glug of olive oil if desired.

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